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Free speech? Not for you because you're wrong.

Imagine your a college professor with a website where you post information about your research. Should your website and information be protected only if the college agrees with it? Should controversial research be banned from the professor's webpage? If you're Robert Marks and you are working for Baylor and in the intelligent design related field of evolutionary informatics.

Here's my question to supporters of Darwinian evolution - do you truly support freedom of speech or academic freedom? Should a professor have work pulled off the website because the research is controversial?

This is not a case where someone is out saying outlandish or racist things on the taxpayer's dime. This is not a case where he is teaching intelligent design in a classroom setting where he shouldn't be. He is simply doing research and hosting that information on the campus server - which is common place everywhere. Marks even agreed to put a disclaimer stating that his research was not in any way connected to a university position.

This is not about whether you agree with ID or not. This is about whether you accept academic freedom or not. I await the dancing and the avoiding of actual points, while fairies and monsters made of noodles will make prominent appearances.


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Yep, more of the plentiful evidence of the orthodox hegemony of evolutionary priests. It's so obvious to those who are looking.

Also, note Al Mohler's blog today, Is the University Hostile to Christian Professors?.

The university was the child of the church. The classic ideal of the university emerged from the context of medieval Christianity and the confidence that all truth and every discipline of learning is, in the end, united in Christ -- the wisdom of God.....

Religion has become a handicap in university life, especially in certain subjects. In philosophy, for example, academics who hope for senior chairs keep mum about any faith they hold. God and promotion do not mix. And in all the sciences, young men and women with religious backgrounds are advised to jettison their Christian, Jewish or other religious baggage if they want to pursue careers in physics, chemistry or biology. The universal assumption seems to be that a belief in God fatally debars a scholar from acquiring scientific knowledge. In Britain the number of students concentrating in the sciences is on the decline, and the systematic discouragement of Christians and Jews in the science faculties will clearly increase that trend.

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