Evolution’s Glass Ceiling
By: David Klinghoffer
Townhall Magazine
February 26, 2008
Original Article
Experienced scientists who support intelligent design theories
literally have to disguise themselves in order to perform their
A biologist I know recently bleached his hair and changed his
appearance in other ways so as to be almost unrecognizable. I’m being
deliberately vague about his looks and identity because he was going
undercover. When I last saw him, he was ready for a stint of
researching and lab work on intelligent design at a university that he
declined to name. On returning to the lab after winter break, he said
he would adopt a different disguise.
I asked how he planned to alter his appearance this time. “If I told
you,” he answered mildly, “that would kind of defeat the purpose,
wouldn’t it?”
The purpose is to avoid being spotted by scientists hostile to
intelligent design (ID). If Darwinists realized that this stealthy
biologist was working in their midst, as the guest of a professor at
the same university, they could make that host professor pay a heavy
career price.
Welcome to the underground world of Darwin-doubting scientists, who say
they fear for their professional future. The challenges faced by these
academic nonconformists have implications that go far beyond the
faculty lounge.
A criticism often leveled at intelligent design is that ID theorists
haven’t done the research or the writing in peer-reviewed scientific
journals that would make their view a serious contender to overturn
Darwinism. This proves—say ID’s opponents-that intelligent design is
nothing more than religion masquerading as science. If such
“pseudo-science” were taught in public schools, that would amount to
the establishment of a state religion.
What is ID,
exactly? In brief, it asks whether unguided material processes alone
were sufficient to produce the history of complex life on earth. ID
argues that an intelligent cause, operating in nature, is the best
explanation for the scientific evidence agreed on by Darwinists and
Darwin critics alike. Much of the work being done on ID is organized by
the Discovery Institute, where I work.
Evolution is hot these days, even showing up in the 2008 presidential
election. Candidate Mike Huckabee has faced frequent questioning from
reporters about his critical but vaguely expressed opinion on Darwinian
theory. Meanwhile, Democratic contender Hillary Clinton declared in a
New York Times interview: “I believe in evolution, and I am shocked at
some of the things that people in public life have been saying,”
referring to her Republican rivals.
I asked leading ID-critics whether Darwin-doubters face any hurdles,
beyond the strength or weakness of ID itself, to researching and
testing their ideas. Kenneth Miller, a Brown University biologist,
emailed me with a withering reply: “The conclusion of ‘Design’ should
follow from well-done research on comparative genomics, molecular
biology, gene expression, and biochemistry. There is, as you surely
know, no barrier to such research.”
Francisco Ayala, a biologist at the University of California, Irvine,
was emphatic: “I cannot imagine any serious scientist or academic
administrator trying to dissuade anybody else from carrying out any
well-designed research project.”
However, ID-sympathizers in academia say they face disturbing limits on
scientific inquiry. Those limits work a bit like an invisible pet
fence, popular with suburban homeowners who want to keep their dog from
wandering out of the front yard. The pet wears a special collar. If he
tries to cross over an underground wire around the perimeter of the
yard, he gets an electric shock. Dogs and scientists learn quickly.
This April the feature-length documentary Expelled will open in
theaters, telling stories of scientists whose colleagues punished them
for questioning Darwinism. One evolutionary biologist featured in the
film, Richard Sternberg, was penalized by the Smithsonian Institution’s
National Museum of Natural History for editing an article favorable to
ID in a technical peer-reviewed biology journal housed at the
The U.S. Office of Special Counsel investigated the case in 2005 and
reported that Dr. Sternberg’s Smithsonian colleagues created a “hostile
work environment” for him “with the ultimate goal of forcing [him] out
of the [Smithsonian].” His supervisor questioned others about
Sternberg’s political and religious beliefs, with a view to
discrediting him. The museum confiscated his key to the facility and
obstructed his access to research specimens.
Even a peripheral association with Darwin-doubting can destroy a
scholar professionally. Take Guillermo Gonzalez, an astronomer at Iowa
State University. He lost his bid for tenure in 2006 because he
co-wrote a book, The Privileged Planet (Regnery), making a scientific
case for the intelligent design of the cosmos. The book wasn’t about
Darwin or about biology.
Was Dr. Gonzalez qualified for the job? Actually, Gonzalez outperformed
the tenured members of the astronomy faculty in basic measures of
scientific reputation and scientific productivity. He exceeded his
department’s tenure standards, which measure “excellence” in terms of
publications in refereed science journals, by more than 350 percent.
Yet his department chairman flatly instructed the faculty voting on his
tenure request that intelligent design is a litmus test,
“disqualify[ing] him from serving as a science educator.”
Some campuses are forthright in limiting academic freedom. In 2005, at
the University of Idaho, biologist and ID proponent Scott Minnich was
the target of a ban on challenging Darwinism in science classrooms. The
university’s president, Timothy White, rejected any view other than the
orthodox evolutionary one as “inappropriate in our life, earth, and
physical science courses or curricula.”
Apart from these high-profile cases, scholars who have felt the effects
of evolution’s Invisible Fence fall into three categories: the
untenured who fear professional ruin; those who have already been
ruined; and tenured scholars who, in principle, can research freely.
The untenured will, as a rule, speak only on the condition that neither
they nor their institution be named. I asked one such scientist if he
felt free to pursue his ID-related research interests. He said, “No,
absolutely not. It presents a problem for me.”
Part of his problem is that, before he felt the shock of the Invisible
Fence, he wrote some things critical of Darwinism that are still on the
Internet. He’s now most of the way through a six-year tenure-track
process. But in seeking work before he got this job, “I was told
directly [at another university] that the views I had expressed were
the reason I was no longer being considered there for a research
Another biologist told of how, immediately after his interest in
intelligent design became known, he had his lab space withdrawn. The
assistant to the director of the facility emailed him that, due to an
unexpected “space crunch,” he had to be out in two weeks.
Asked about the statements of ID-critics that research critical of
Darwin may be conducted freely, the biologist looked amused. “That’s a
huge joke,” he said. He explained that professional science is
“prestige driven and [scientists] don’t want a knock to their prestige.
You do well by impressing your peers, so you are reluctant to
jeopardize that.”
Being thought of as sympathetic to ID represents a blemish on a
scientist’s reputation. Thus an academic department or a scientific
journal will be very reluctant to sponsor or publish research or
writing that challenges Darwinism. A sort of intellectual paralysis
Caroline Crocker, a biologist with a specialty in immunopharmacology,
can speak openly because she’s given up hope of returning to academia.
In 2005, Dr. Crocker discussed the scientific critique of Darwinism
with the students in her cellbiology course at George Mason University,
in Fairfax, Va. When colleagues got wind of it, she was first forbidden
from teaching either evolution or intelligent design. Then her contract
was allowed to expire.
“I was absolutely shocked,” said Crocker, “I was careful to let no one know what side [of the evolution controversy] I was on.”
Her story was written up in the Washington Post and the science weekly
Nature. When she later sought a research job at the National Institutes
of Health, her reputation preceded her: “A friend, someone with
connections at the NIH, told me, ‘Don’t bother applying. You’re
blacklisted now.’”
“There are so many bodies by the side of the road that people get the
message,” said Robert Marks, who teaches engineering and computational
intelligence at Baylor University. One of his research interests is
simulating evolution on computers. Without additional information
(a/k/a design) being included in the simulation, he finds, the
evolutionary process doesn’t produce results as Darwin promised.
Dr. Marks has tenure and was lured away from the University of
Washington in 2003, in an attempt by Baylor to upgrade its academic
image. His latest book will be published by Oxford University Press.
You might think he’d feel secure. Yet when I asked to interview him, he
agreed only on the condition that his attorney listens.
At Baylor, Marks said, he has suffered “viewpoint discrimination,
violation of academic freedom, persecution.” In 2006, Baylor canceled a
$30,000 grant Dr. Marks had received, which was intended to let him
hire a famous ID theorist, mathematician William Dembski, to assist
him. In 2007, the university disconnected a website Marks had put
together about “evolutionary informatics,” featuring ID-related work
done by Dr. Dembski and himself.
As it happens, Dembski had been booted from Baylor once before. That
was in 2000, when Baylor’s faculty got him fired as director of an
academic center on campus. It was Dembski’s criticism of Darwinian
evolution that roused the other professors’ ire.
Dr. Dembski probably won’t be invited back to Baylor soon. Robert Marks
remains, but describes the campus atmosphere in dark tones that would,
it seems, apply equally well to universities elsewhere. “I know a
number of people here who are interested in ID,” he said, “but I’ve
advised them to stay away. It would destroy their tenure chances. It’s
a career-killer.” •
David Klinghoffer is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute. His new book, How Would God Vote? Why the Bible Commands You to be a Conservative (Doubleday), will be published in June.