AI's Role in Unlocking Human Potential | COSM

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Aug 14, 2020
Can artificial intelligence replicate or exceed human knowledge and creativity? What are AI's implications for the workforce? Oren Etzioni, CEO Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence, George Montañez, Iris and Howard Critchell Professor of Computer science at Harvey Mudd College, Robert J. Marks, Distinguished Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering at Baylor University, and Matt McIlwain, managing director Madrona Venture Group discuss the new business and career opportunities created by artificial intelligence, and whether AI and humanity will merge at some point in the future. COSM is an exclusive national summit on the converging technologies remaking the world as we know it. Learn more at And, watch all of the conference sessions including keynotes Peter Thiel, Ray Kurzweil and George Gilder. Get access here Check out these other great videos: Steve Forbes on cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology | COSM Interview Are our brains downloadable? - Robert J. Marks COSM Interview Peter Thiel on the Failures and "Self-Hatred" of Big-Tech Watch all of the COSM 2019 interviews here ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The mission of the Walter Bradley Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence at Discovery Institute is to explore the benefits as well as the challenges raised by artificial intelligence (AI) in light of the enduring truth of human exceptionalism. People know at a fundamental level that they are not machines. But faulty thinking can cause people to assent to views that in their heart of hearts they know to be untrue. The Bradley Center seeks to help individuals—and our society at large—to realize that we are not machines while at the same time helping to put machines (especially computers and AI) in proper perspective. For more about the Bradley Center visit Be sure to subscribe to the Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence on Youtube: Follow Walter Bradley Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence on Facebook and Twitter:, @cnaintelligence Facebook: Visit other Youtube channels connected to the Discovery Institute: Discovery Science News (Center for Science & Culture): Dr. Stephen C. Meyer:
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Mind Matters is an excellent website.