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Chapter 6 - Learning Rate and Momentum

Neural Smithing: Supervised Learning in Feedforward Artificial Neural Networks
Russell D. Reed and Robert J. Marks II
Copyright © 1999 Massachusetts Institute of Technology

6.3 Remarks

The preceding sections illustrate some effects that learning rate and momentum have on training and list some hints for recognizing when parameter changes are needed. It should be emphasized that the illustrations are based on a single small classification problem. The actual curves are unique to the example and different curves will be obtained from different networks with different training sets and initialization conditions. The examples are intended to be representative in that many problems will show qualitative similarities; quantitative differences should be expected however.

The main benefit of good parameters is faster training and the prevention of divergence to avoidable bad solutions. As in the more general case of tuning an optimization method, serious training difficulty may be an indication of problems more basic than optimization parameters. That is, if careful tuning of learning rate and momentum are needed to obtain good solutions, the effort might be better spent in reconsidering more fundamental things like the choice of representation or network architecture.

The difficulty of choosing a good learning rate a priori is one of the reasons adaptive learning rate methods are useful and popular. Most adapt parameters dynamically as appropriate for changing conditions and many assign different rates appropriate for different parts of the network. A few methods are summarized in chapter 9.