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Chapter 6 - Learning Rate and Momentum

Neural Smithing: Supervised Learning in Feedforward Artificial Neural Networks
Russell D. Reed and Robert J. Marks II
Copyright © 1999 Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Chapter 6: Learning Rate and Momentum

6.1 Learning Rate

Recalling (5.25), the back-propagation weight update with momentum is

The learning rate and momentum parameters η and α have an obvious direct effect on the training process so it is desirable to choose good values. Typical ranges are 0.05 η 0.75 and 0 α 0.9 [330]. Many other factors also affect training, so these should be treated as reasonable guidelines rather than inviolable limits.

Although η = 0.1 is often suggested, this is basically an arbitrary constant, a "magic number,"which is not appropriate for all problems or even at all times during training. It may work well for many problems, but much larger or smaller values may work better on particular problems. For one thing, the SSE error function is sensitive to the size of the training set. In the familiar two-input XOR problem, for example, there are four training patterns. If all training patterns are duplicated K times, the form of the target function is unchanged but ESSE becomes K times as large, as do the partial derivatives and weight changes. If K is large, say 1000, the weights could become very large in a single step which would almost certainly drive the sigmoid nonlinearities into hard saturation and essentially halt learning. In effect, redundancy in the training set can amplify the effective learning rate to an unreasonably large value. This example is contrived, but similar things can happen when data is heavily clustered. If the clusters are well separated, each can be viewed as many repetitions of a single point with a small amount of noise.

One remedy for this problem would be to use the mean squared error

to normalize for the size M of the training set. This is reasonable, but it is common practice to use the unnormalized sum-of-squares error. An equivalent solution is to scale the learning rate by the size of the training set.

Unfortunately, there are other problems this does not fix. Redundant input or output nodes (e.g., multiple nodes with very similar training values) as well as internal redundancy (e.g., multiple hidden nodes computing similar functions) can have a similar amplifying effect. Less obvious redundancy in the form of linear dependencies also causes problems.

Other factors affecting the choice of learning rate include

Many of these factors are related, of course. The point is that, in general, it is not possible to calculate a best learning rate a priori.

The same learning rate may not even be appropriate in all parts of the network. The general fact that the error is more sensitive to changes in some weights than in others makes it useful to assign different learning rates to each weight. The problem of delta-attenuation (section 6.1.8), where input weight layers receive smaller back-propagated deltas and thus tend to learn much more slowly than output weight layers, makes it useful to use larger learning rates in the early layers. If a single global value must be used, compromises must be made.

Because poor training parameters can cause poor performance it is often necessary to do a mini-search for a good set of training parameters as part of the search for a good set of weights. This is a common criticism of back-propagation as an optimization algorithm. (Sometimes the algorithm is blamed for failure due to an unreasonable choice of parameters, however.)

The difficulty of choosing a good learning rate a priori is one of the reasons adaptive learning rate methods are useful and popular. A good adaptive algorithm will usually converge much faster than simple back-propagation with a poorly chosen fixed learning rate. The speed advantage may be small compared to training with an optimal constant learning rate, but even then adaptive methods relieve the user of the need to search for the optimal value. Most methods adapt the rate dynamically as appropriate for changing conditions and many assign different rates appropriate for different parts of the network. A few methods are summarized in chapter 9.

6.1.1 An Example

The following example is used to illustrate how different choices of learning rate and momentum affect the training process. The illustrations that follow do not show how to calculate good parameters, but they may help in recognizing when parameter changes are needed. It should be emphasized that the curves in the figures are unique to this example and different curves will be obtained from different networks, data sets, initialization conditions, and so forth. The example is intended to be representative in that most problems will show qualitative similarities, but quantitative differences should be expected. Similar illustrations can be found in [67], [194], [372].

Training Details A 4/4/1 network was trained to learn the 4-bit parity problem using plain batch back-propagation. This problem was chosen because it is well understood and simple enough to repeat many times but not completely trivial. Input values were ±1 and target values were ±0.9. Tanh nonlinearities were used at the hidden and output nodes. Initial weights were uniformly distributed in [-0.5, +0.5]. A single nonadaptive learning rate was used for the entire network.

Note that mean-squared-error was used rather than sum-of-squares error. Use of MSE with learning rate η is equivalent to use of SSE with a learning rate η/M where M is the number of training patterns, M = 16 here. The difference is minor but affects the interpretation of the results.

A variety of learning rates from 0.001 to 10 (37 values) and momentums from 0 to 0.99 (14 values) were tested. One hundred trials were run for each parameter pair; 51,800 networks were trained in all, each with different random initial weights. Each network was allowed 5000 training epochs. Learning was considered successful (converged) if EMSE < 0.001 or if every pattern was classified correctly with error less than 0.2. An attempt was made to detect stalled networks: if the change in EMSE between epochs was less than 10-12 or if the magnitude of the gradient was less than 10-10, the network was considered stuck and training was halted early. This saved training time but may have skewed the convergence probability estimates downward.

The average convergence time for each parameter pair was calculated as the sum of the times for the converged networks divided by the number of networks that converged

If no networks converged for a particular set of parameters, Tavg was set to 5000 for graphing purposes. The probability of convergence was estimated as the number of networks that converged divided by the number trained (100). Results are summarized in the following sections.

6.1.2 Training Time versus Learning Rate

Figure 6.1 shows typical plots of expected training time and probability of convergence versus learning rate η. The exact shape and scale of the curves will differ depending on details of the particular problem, but the shapes are characteristic. In general, the training time versus learning rate curve has a bathtub or "U" shape. At very small learning rates, training times are high simply because each weight change is so small; the convergence time is controlled mainly by the small step size and decreases as the learning rate increases. Beyond a certain critical value, however, the average training time increases sharply and the probability of convergence falls to zero. In the figure, the critical point shifts to lower learning rates as momentum increases.

The curves in figure 6.1 were obtained by averaging over many trials. Figure 6.2 shows the distribution of the data points behind the averages. At very high learning rates, most networks either do not converge or converge to poor solutions and become stuck. Of the networks that do converge, however, most do so very quickly. These probably depend on lucky initializations. Beyond the critical point, the average training time Tavg (excluding networks that do not converge) continues to decrease as learning rate increases but the probability of lucky initializations decreases faster. At some point the decreased likelihood of convergence outweighs training time improvements and the plotted training time increases sharply. (Tavg = 5000 was plotted when none of the 100 trials converged.)

A loose analogy can be made with driving a car. The time to reach your destination depends on situation-specific details such as the make of the car, weather and traffic conditions, and the general terrain along your route. For a given set of conditions, however, there is presumably an optimum speed with the lowest average travel time. The time depends directly on your driving speed but that also affects the probability of mishaps. At very low speeds, the risk of accident is negligible and you can almost always reduce travel time by driving faster. At increasing speeds, travel time decreases further but the risk of accident rises. At some point depending on particular conditions the probability of driving off the road and spending the morning at the repair shop approaches 1 and the expected travel time soars.

6.1.3 Interaction of Learning Rate and Momentum

Figure 6.1 illustrates that when the learning rate is small, large momentum values α 1 generally increase the speed and probability of convergence. In the simulations, most cases with very small learning rates didn't converge within the allotted time unless α was large. (Of course, they might have converged eventually if more time were allowed.) In the figure, at η = 0.01 the highest probability of convergence was obtained for α = 0.99. For large learning rates, the situation is reversed and very few cases converge unless the momentum is small. In terms of momentum, the figure shows the peak of the probability of convergence density function shifting to lower learning rates as α increases.

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Figure 6.1: Average training time (solid) and convergence probability (dashed) versus learning rate for α = 0,0.5, 0.9, 0.99. A 4/4/1 network was trained on the 4-bit parity problem with batch back-propagation and the MSE error function. Each point is the average of 100 runs with different random initial weights. Note: Use of the MSE error function rather than SSE normalizes the learning rate by the size of the training set. See section 6.1.1 for simulation details.
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Figure 6.2: Actual training times versus learning rate for various momentum values. At high learning rate and momentum, most networks either do not converge or converge to poor solutions and become stuck. Of the networks that do converge, however, most do so very quickly. Each vertical strip shows points for 100 networks initialized with different random weights. Note: Use of the MSE error function rather than SSE scales the learning rate by the size ot the training set. See section 6.1.1 for details of the simulation.

Section 6.2 shows that for small perturbations the effective learning rate with momentum is η' = η/(1 - α). That is, momentum has an amplifying effect on the learning rate. For α 1-, the denominator is small and the effective learning rate is large; at α = 0.99, for example, η' = 100η. Figure 6.3 illustrates this, showing the expected training time and probability of convergence vs. effective learning rate for selected momentum values. Division by 1 α has the effect of sliding the curves horizontally so they overlay one another; there are random deviations, but the curves appear to follow the same basic trend.

The same effective learning rate can obtained from different combinations of η and α. The curves show that these yield roughly the same average training time but differ in the location of the critical point where convergence becomes unlikely. In this example it appears that higher effective learning rates can be obtained with small η and large α rather than vice versa. That is, convergence is obtained at η' = 100, for example, with α = 0.99 but not with the lower momentum values.

6.1.4 Typical E(t) Curves

Batch Mode Figures 6.4 and 6.5 show typical RMS error versus training time curves for various learning rates with constant momentum α = 0.5. All curves were generated from the same initial weight vector. The training problem, network, and initialization parameters described in section 6.1.1 were used. Note that the learning rates in these figures are for the SSE error function; in Figures 6.1 through 6.3 the corresponding learning rates for the MSE function are 16 times larger.

Although the exact shape of the E(t) curve is unique to each problem and choice of parameters (including the random starting point), several general things can be observed. At very low learning rates, the E(t) curve is smooth, but training is very slow. The error almost always decreases with time, rarely if ever increasing, and there are long flat runs followed by relatively steep drop-offs. In this range, increased learning rates lead to faster convergence. At the high end of the range, the system makes occasional "mistakes" leading to momentary jumps in error, but it usually recovers quickly.

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Figure 6.3: Average training time (a) and convergence probability (b) versus normalized learning rate for α = 0, 0.5, 0.9, 0.99. With momentum, the effective learning rate is amplified to η' = η/(1 - α). The same effective learning rate can obtained from different combinations of η and α, which yield roughly the same average training time but differ in the location of the critical point where convergence becomes unlikely. In this example, it appears that small learning rates and large momentums are more stable. Note: Use of the MSE error function rather than SSE normalizes the learning rate by the size of the training set. Simulation details are described in section 6.1.1.
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Figure 6.4: E(t) curves for small SSE learning rates. At low learning rates, the E(t) curves are smooth,but convergence is slow. As n increases, convergence time decreases is less reliable with occasional jumps in error. All networks were initialized with the random weights.
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Figure 6.5: E(t)curves for near-critical SSE learning rates. Below some critical learning rate, convergence time decreases as the learning rate η increases. At some point though the system becomes unstable and fails to converge. Note that the change is abrupt; at η = 0.18 it converges quickly but at η = 0.19 it overshoots the minimum and appears to get trapped on a plateau. The same network and initial weight vector were used in figure 6.4.

Figure 6.1 showed that there is a critical learning rate above which convergence becomes very unlikely. Figure 6.4 shows E(t) curves for near-critical learning rates. Just below the critical point, convergence becomes less reliable as η increases; mistakes become more common and the error may show transient chaotic oscillations. Finally, at even higher η values, the system becomes unstable and fails to converge. Note that the change is abrupt; at η = 0.18 the network converges quickly, at η = 0.19 it overshoots the minimum and appears to get trapped on a plateau, and at η = 0.2 it gets stuck sooner and never approaches the minimum. (The value η = 0.2 in this figure corresponds to η = 3.2 in figures 6.1 through 6.3.) In the analogy of a marble rolling down a hill, a similar abrupt change in outcomes may occur when a small change in the relative forces makes the difference between the marble rolling into one of two different valleys. In one case it has just enough energy to roll over a ridge and so ends up in valley A; in another case it just fails and rolls back down into valley B instead.

Overall, an aggressive (but subcritical) learning rate may produce faster learning even though it allows the error to increase occasionally. If the increases are mild and not too frequent, the benefits may outweigh the losses so the overall result is faster convergence. A small amount of chaos may also help the system explore more of the weight space. Beyond the critical value, however, the losses outweigh the benefits and the state either wanders aimlessly or gets stuck at high errors.

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Figure 6.6: With on-line learning, patterns are chosen randomly and the weights are updated after each pattern presentation. This introduces noise into the training process, leading to noisy E(t) curves. In general, larger learning rates cause higher noise levels.

On-Line Mode With on-line learning, jitter in the E(t) graph is normal. Figure 6.6 shows a typical curve. Because weights are updated after each pattern presentation, there is a tendency for the error to be lower on the most recently presented patterns. Presentation of the patterns in random order avoids a bias toward patterns near the end of the training set, but the randomness introduces noise that shows up in the E(t) curves. When things work well, the curve has a downward trend but is usually overlaid with noise whose amplitude is related to the learning rate. If the noise level is high, the network may never settle to a stable minimum so it is common to reduce the learning rate to zero gradually as training progresses.

Because of this randomness, different on-line learning trials with identical initial weights and training parameters will not follow the same trajectory. Figure 6.7 shows four different training runs started with the same initial weights. One of the networks converges quickly while the other three appear to get stuck in local minima. Cases (a) and (d) appear to follow the same general path but the local deviations are different.

As in batch learning, there are interactions between the learning rate and momentum in on-line learning. Momentum causes the same learning rate amplification effect when learning rates are small. Figure 6.8 shows two on-line training trajectories for networks with the same initial weights and learning rates but different momentum values. In the figure the weight changes are small and convergence is slow for a small learning rate, η = 0.01, and no momentum. With the same learning rate and α = 0.95, the weight changes are larger and this example converges quickly. The random properties of the trajectories make it impossible to say that the α = 0.95 case will always converge faster though.

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Figure 6.7: E(t)curves for on-line learning. On-line learning is stochastic so different runs with identical initial weights and training parameters will follow different trajectories. Shown are four different trials of on-line back-propagation applied to the 4-input parity problem with η = 0.3, α=0. All networks started with the same initial random weights. This learning rate appears high for this examplethe noise level is high and three of the nets get stuck in a local minimum.

6.1.5 Learning Rate Selection

The preceding examples illustrate some effects of learning rate and momentum variations. In general, there is a trade-off between convergence speed and reliability of convergence. It should be clear that there is no fixed learning rate that is best for all problems.

6.1.6 Selection from Trace(H)

It is well-known that the optimal global learning rate for gradient descent on a linear problem is η = 1/λmax where λmax is the largest positive eigenvalue of the Hessian matrix H of second derivatives of the error with respect to the weights. Since λmax is unknown unless H is analyzed, an estimate must be used. Assuming H is nonnegative-definite, all eigenvalues are nonnegative λi 0 and λmax can be bounded by

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Figure 6.8: On-line learning E(t) curves with and without momentum. Momentum also has a learning rate amplification effect in on-line learning. With a small learning rate, η = 0.01, (using SSE) and no momentum, the weight changes are small and convergence is slow. With the same learning rate and α = 0.95, the weight changes are larger and this example converges quickly. Both examples were initialized with the same random weights.

where trace . Estimates of the hii components can be obtained efficiently from the diagonal Hessian approximation (section 8.6.3). Of course, this overestimates λmax so the resulting η value may be smaller than necessary but it is a reasonable starting point for an adaptive method.

A problem is that H will not be nonnegative-definite in general. At an arbitrary point on the E(w) surface far from a minima, the matrix is likely to have both positive and negative eigenvalues since E curves up in some directions and down in others. There are, however, standard methods to make the approximation nonnegative.

6.1.7 Selection by On-Line Eigenvalue Estimation

LeCun, Simmard and Pearlmutter [94] describe a method for choosing the learning rate from an on-line estimate of the principal eigenvalue of the Hessian. The recipe is

  1. Pick a random unit-length vector Ψ and two small positive constants α and γ, for example, α = 0.01 and γ = 0.01.

  2. Pick a training pattern Xp, do the forward and backward propagations and store the resulting gradient vector G1 = ΔEp(w).

  3. Add a perturbation αΝ(Ψ) to the current weight vector w, where Ν(.) denotes vector normalization: Ν(v) = v/|v|.

  4. Perform a forward and backward propagation on the same training pattern using the perturbed weight vector and store the resulting gradient G2=ΔEp(w+αΝ(Ψ)).

  5. Update Ψ with the running average Ψ(1-у)Ψ+у/α(G2-G1).

  6. Restore the weight vector to its original value.

  7. Go to step 2 and repeat until |Ψ| stabilizes.

  8. Set the learning rate η = |Ψ |-1 and continue with regular training.

The constant α controls the size of the perturbation; small values give better estimates but increase the chance of numerical errors. The constant у smooths the estimate; small values give more accurate estimates but increase the convergence time. In [94] the authors recommend starting with a relatively large value, for example, у =0.1, and decreasing it until the fluctuations in |Ψ| are less than about 10%. The point is to obtain an estimate of the proper order of magnitude for Ψ, not to calculate a precise value. Typically, |Ψ| will converge in a few hundred iterations. This is an on-line estimate so each iteration has a cost comparable to two pattern evaluations and back-propagations. For large problems, the cost is small compared to the time needed to do a single training epoch.

The iteration is similar to the power method for calculating the largest positive eigenvalue of a matrix. A random vector Ψ can be expressed as a combination of the eigenvectors {vi} of a given matrix (the Hessian H in this case)


H is assumed to have full rank here. When Ψ is multiplied by H, each eigenvector component grows by an amount proportional to its corresponding eigenvalue


The component parallel to the principle eigenvector (call it v1) grows the most because its eigenvalue is largest. With iteration and renormalization

the v1 component eventually dominates and Ψ approaches λ1v1, giving λmax . |Ψ|. In the recipe just given, the product HΨ is approximated by a finite-difference


Exact calculation would require the equivalent of two training epochsone for the original w and one for the perturbation. The preceding recipe is a further approximation using a running average of on-line estimates to approximate E(w) and E(w + Δw).

Pearlmutter [297] describes an exact method for finding a product of H with a vector without evaluation of H. This could be used instead of the finite difference approximation in equation 6.4

6.1.8 Delta Attenuation in Layered Networks

It has been noted that the first layers of layered networks often learn very slowly because the error derivatives are attenuated as they propagate back from the output layer toward the input. For a node with value y, the sigmoid derivative is y(1 - y) and takes values between 0 and 1/4; the tanh derivative is 1 - y2 and takes values between 0 and 1. Each node nonlinearity contributes a derivative factor that is normally less than 1, so the derivative may become very small after passing through several layers. This assumes the weights are 0(1) magnitude. When the weights are smaller, as they usually are just after random initialization, there is additional attenuation. The result is that |Ε/|w| tends to be very small for weights close to the inputs and so they change very slowly. Deep networks with many layers have been avoided for this reason because almost no learning occurs in the initial layers.

Because the partial derivatives are so small, larger learning rates may be appropriate for hidden units. Values as high as 10 can sometimes be used without causing instability [168]. If no other information is available it might be assumed that the node outputs y are uniformly distributed on [0,1] in which case the expected attenuation due to each sigmoid derivative is E[y(1 - y)] = 1/6. Rigler et al. [316] suggest rescaling the back-propagated derivatives by 6 to compensate. This would be equivalent to increasing the learning rate by 6 for weights into the last layer, by 36 for weights into the second-to-last layer, 63 = 216 for weights 3 layers back from the output, and so on. These are only heuristics, however; it is not a necessary fact that partial derivatives are smaller for weights farther from the outputs. These are based on assumptions about the node nonlinearities and how the weights are initialized.

It seems reasonable to use larger learning rates in earlier layers to compensate for delta attenuation, but the values will depend on the particular training data and network used. The methods described attempt to rescale the learning rates relative to some global value so that each layer sees derivatives of roughly the same size, but they do not say how to control the global value. Without an automatic control algorithm it may be difficult to find a set of parameters that are both stable and efficient. A fixed learning rate is not necessarily appropriate anyway because conditions change as learning progresses. Adaptive learning rate techniques have the advantage of being able to adjust the rate dynamically to match current conditions. Rprop (section 9.6) seems to work better than some other methods in this case because the learning rate adjustments and weight updates depend only on the signs of the derivatives, not their magnitudes. Appropriate values can be found for each layer so early layers learn faster than they would otherwise and deep networks are not as difficult to train.

6.1.9 Learning Rate Fan-In Scaling

Scaling of the learning rate based on the number of inputs to each node was suggested by Plaut, Nowlan, and Hinton [299]. In [332], back-propagated δ values are scaled by the fanin, which has the same effect. Some justification for this can be based on an eigenvalue analysis of the Hessian (see Appendix A.2).

An intuitive explanation of why this might help is that immediately after initialization with small random weights all of the h hidden units compute approximately linear functions and their combined effect on the following layer is approximately that of a single linear "virtual" unit. If there is an optimum learning rate, say η*, for the output weight of this virtual unit, then the learning rate for the output weights of the h actual units should be η*|h so that they sum to η*. This suggests relative values for learning rates in different layers, but it does not say how to choose η*. Also, the same conditions may not hold later in learning.

In [168], a separate learning rate is calculated for each hidden layer based on the number of weights into and out of each node. The initial value is then adapted based on the magnitudes of the back-propagated δ's.

It is not clear if this heuristic has much effect unless there are large differences in layer sizes [9]. The heuristic of scaling the weight initialization range based on fan-in may achieve the same results without committing the system to a learning rate that may be inappropriate at later stages of learning. Algorithms that adjust a separate learning rate for each weight (e.g., Rprop) may be less troublesome; they generally achieve the same result in cases where this heuristic would help without causing problems in cases where it would not.