170612 (EN | Cache) David Klinghoffer, "Robert Marks on Computer Evolutionary Simulations, Science & Faith, the Limits of Artificial Intelligence, & More"
170613 (Amazon | Cache) "Introduction to Evolutionary Informatics"
170613 (UD | Cache) Is evolutionary informatics a deathstar for Darwinism?
170603 (BLOG | Cache) Do Computer Simulations Provide Evidence for Evolution - Sean McDowell
170612 (BLOG | Cache) Is there a mathematical theory of evolution _ Chapman Kids Blog
170627 The Mark Cope Show (Some poor audio):
170613 (BLOG | Cache) Minds, Machines, & Mathematics — Science And Faith Examined at CalTech
170614 (Thomist Bent | Cache) New Book- Introduction to Evolutionary Informatics - Thomistic Bent.html
170615 (UD | Cache) David Klinghoffer, "Evolutionary Biologist Backs Off from Computer Simulations"
170615 (Amazon | Cache) Update: "Introduction to Evolutionary Informatics" Top Ten in Management Information Systems (?) (List Cache)
170713 (ENV | Cache) David Klinghoffer, "Return of the Christmas Pony – Robert Marks on Modeling Darwinian Evolution"
170721 (Gamasutra | Cache) Felipe Lara - Skip the “Game vs Story” and “Entertainment vs Practical-Utility” Traps: The Anatomy of Compelling Experiences
171024 (ID the Future | Cache | Audio Cache) Dr. Brian Miller Explores Coevolution and discuuses a recent paper by Winston Ewert and Robert Marks (Link)
151105 (Discovery | Cache) David Klinghoffer, "ID Inquiry: Robert Marks on Information Listen: Robert J. Marks on `Information,' and What Is It, Anyway?"
151202 (Discovery | Cache) Winston Ewert: Specified Complexity -- Like Déjà Vu All Over Again
151203 (Discovery | Cache) Winston Ewert: What Does -Life's Conservation Law- Actually Say
140410 (IDEA | Cache) "FAQ: Does Intelligent Design Help Science Generate New Knowledge?" Intelligent Design and Evolving Awareness Center..
140421 (Discovery | Cache) Casey Luskin, "Intelligent Design's Utility Is Highlighted in a New Volume, Engineering and the Ultimate"
140427 (The Best Schools| Cache) William A. Dembski, "Politically Correct and Politically Incorrect Careers." TheBestSchools.org
140501 (ID the Future - YouTube) Winston Ewert: Irreducible Complexity Remains Unrefuted
140526 (YouTube | Cache) ."Teletalk With Bob Marks" Early Talk Radio (1973).
140601 (ID the Future - YouTube) Robert Marks: Active Information in Metabiology
140602 (Discovery | cache) Intelligent Design in Action: Informatics.
140613 ( ICR | cache) Brian Thomas, "Powerhouse of Scientists Refute Evolution, Part One" ICR.
140616 ( ICR | cache) Brian Thomas, "Powerhouse of Scientists Refute Evolution, Part Two" ICR
140620 ( ICR | cache) Brian Thomas, "Powerhouse of Scientists Refute Evolution, Part Three" ICR
140630 (YouTube | cache | cache mp4) Brian Thomas, "Powerhouse of Scientists Refute Evolution"
140628 (ID the Future - YouTube) From PODCAST to "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed": Robert J. Marks II
140701 (GE | cache) Matt Webster "Calorie Counting Made Easy".
140703 (Discovery | cache - cr) The Turing Test Is Dead. Long Live the Lovelace Test..
140709 (Discovery | Cache) Erik J. Larson, Eugene Goostman Is a Fraud
140731 (Blog | cache) Proving a theorem of Ewert, Marks, and Dembski,,
140805 (Baylor | cache) Baylor - A calorie-counting microwave ...
140805 (ID the Future - YouTube) On Algorithmic Specified Complexity by Robert J. Marks II
140808 (Discovery | cache) David Klinghoffer, "Video: Robert Marks Speaking to the American Scientific Affiliation on `Algorithmic Specified Complexity'".
140930 (DBpedia | Cache) About Robert J. Marks II .
141007 (Discovery | Cache) William A. Dembski, "Responding to My Talk at the University of Chicago, Joe Felsenstein's Argument by Misdirection"
141008 ( Salvo | Cache) Denyse O'Leary, "Immaterial Evidence: The Law of Conservation of Information: Part I" .
141013 (UD |Cache ) Shoutout to Tom English: How much of the animus you display against Marks and Dembski is scholarly?.
141018 (IDEA | Cache) Casey Luskin, "How Can We Positively Test Intelligent Design?"
141019 (UD |Cache) Denyse O'Leary "Bob Marks on apologetics"..
141020 (Православие.Ru | Cache) Священник Евгений Селенский, "Живые организмы как системы принятия решений" ("Living organisms as a decision-making system")
141100 (Discovery | Cache) The College Student's Back To School Guide to Intelligent Design
130420 (YouTube) William Dembski and the Intelligent Design Movement
130415 (Blog | cache) Cornelius Hunter, "Evolutionists Are Now Saying They Have Solved the Problem of Evolvability" Darwin's God
130506 (YouTube) Intelligent Design Theory - William Dembski, PhD
130506 (YouTube) Intelligent Design Theory - William Dembski, PhD
130605_(BestSchools|cache) Denyse O'Leary -"How does life incorporate information"
130614 (UD|cache) Denyse O'Leary - Download Cornell papers on origin of biological information free
130629 (UD|cache) Denyse O'Leary - "Robert Marks of the Evo Info Lab on “Information — what is it?”"
130629 (UD | cache) Denyse O'Leary -Can you answer these conundrums about information?
130701 (UD | cache) Denyse O'Leary -Open Mike: New definition of information proposed: Universal Information
1110702 (The Nolan Chart | Cache) Paul Benedict "A Scientific Consensus: Darwinism is Dead"....
130708 (UD | cache) Denyse O'Leary -Open Mike: Cornell OBI Conference—Chapter Three, Dembski, Ewert, and Marks on the true cost of a successful search
130710 (UD | cache) Denyse O'Leary -Open Mike: Cornell OBI Conference—Chapter Three on the true cost of a successful search—Conservation of information
130712 (UD|cache) Winston Ewert, "Questioning Information Cost"
130816 (Discovery| Cache) Casey Luskin - New Scientific Volume, Biological Information: New Perspectives, Challenges Neo-Darwinism, Survives Evolution Lobby's Attempt at Censorship
130818 (Springer | Cache) Biological Information: New Perspectives
130819 (Discovery| Cache) Casey Luskin - Biological Information New Perspectives: On the Origin of the Controversy Over Biological Information: New Perspectives
130820 (UD | cache) Denyse O'Leary -Open Mike: Cornell OBI Conference—Chapter 8—Entropy, Evolution and Open Systems—Abstract
130820 (UD | cache) Denyse O'Leary -Open Mike: Cornell OBI Conference—Chapter 8—Entropy, Evolution and Open Systems—Conclusion
130821 (UD | cache) Denyse O'Leary -Open Mike: Cornell OBI Conference—Chapter 9—Information and Thermodynamics in Living Systems—Abstract
130821 (UD| Cache) Open Mike: Cornell OBI Conference Chapter 9—Information and Thermodynamics in Living Systems—Conclusion
130821 (Discovery| Cache) Casey Luskin - Biological Information New Perspectives Investigates "Information Theory & Biology"
130822 (Discovery| Cache) Casey Luskin - Biological Information New Perspectives: Granville Sewell Defends his Arguments on the Second Law of Thermodynamics
130824 (Discovery| Cache) Casey Luskin - In Biological Information: New Perspectives, Michael Behe finds Loss of Function Mutations Challenge the Darwinian Model
130824 (UD| Cache) Open Mike: Cornell OBI Conference Chapter 10—Biological Information and Genetic Theory: Introductory Comments—Abstract
130824 (UD| Cache) - Open Mike: Cornell OBI Conference Chapter 10—Biological Information and Genetic Theory: Introductory Comm.
130826 (Discovery| Cache) Casey Luskin - Douglas Axe and Ann Gauger Argue that Design Best Explains New Biological Information
130829 (UD| Cache) - Open Mike: Cornell OBI Conference Chapter 11—Not Junk After All —Abstract
130829 (UD| Cache) - Open Mike: Cornell OBI Conference Chapter 11—Not Junk After All—Conclusion.
131008 (AITSE | Cache) Mario A. Lopez, "Dr. Robert Marks, A Scientist Who Questions the Evolution Consensus," American Institute for Technology and Science Education
120416 (Discovery | Cache) Doug Axe: Applied Darwinism: A New Paper from Bob Marks and His Team, in BIO-Complexity.
120417 (IEEE CIS | Cache | YouTube ) Donald C. Wunsch II, History Interview of Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science of Baylor University, Robert J. Marks II
120509 (Discovery | Cache) William Dembski, Is Darwinism Theologically Neutral_ A Reply to Darrel Falk.html
120828 (UD | Cache) William A. Dembski, "Conservation of Information Made Simple"
121208 (Discovery | Cache) "New Paper in Bio-Complexity"
121208 (The Best Schools | Cache) Denyse O'Leary "New paper: Was there really enough time for Darwinian evolution?".
121213 (Discovery | Cache) Casy Luskin, "Peer-Reviewed Science: There Isn't 'Plenty of Time for Evolution.'"
121227 (Discovery | Cache) Out Top 10 Evolution-Related Stories #6, Peer Review Science Supports ID
110105 (UD | cache) David Klinghoffer "No Peer-Reviewed Support for ID? Darwinists Talk to the Hand"
110115 (Podcast | cache) Darwin or Design with Dr. Tom Woodward
110122 (UD | cache) William Dembski, "Robert Marks interviewed by Tom Woodward"
110318 (Discovery | cache) David Klinghoffer, "The Universe Is Haunted: Reflections on the 'Nature of Nature'," Evolution News & Views, March 18, 2011 .
110319 (The Christian Post | cache) Katherine T. Phan, "Texas Bill Would Protect College Professors Who Question Evolution," The Christian Post, March 19, 2011...
110617 (Ricochet.com | Cache 1 , Cache 2, Cache 3 ) Claire Berlinski, "Great Expectations: Information Theory and the Maverick Rabbi"
110617 (YouTube | Cache) "Great Expectations: Information Theory and the Maverick Rabbi".
110702 (War of Words | cache) A_Scientific_Consensus_Darwinism_is_Dead
110705 (UD | cache ) From a very discreet conference, offering some frank takes on the bankrupt public Darwin cult
110722_(UD | cache) TheChortle.com on the Cambrian Explosion.
100301 (Disc | PODCAST MP3) Graduate Student Challenges Avida in Scientific Paper .
100302 (Disc | PODCAST MP3) Darwin as the Pinball Wizard: Talking Probability with Robert Marks .
100304 (UD) Winston Ewert — With pro-ID grad students like this, Darwinian profs don’t stand a chance.
100309 (UD) New Peer-Reviewed ID Paper — Deconstructing the Dawkins WEASEL.
100310 ( College Crunch Article| pdf) The 20 Most Brilliant Christian Professors .
100401 (Dallas Morning News?) Incoming Baylor University President to honor Intelligent Design professor. Make sure to read this to the end .
100401 (UD) Baylor, Incoming President Kenneth Starr, and Intelligent Design. Make sure to read the "Dallas Morning News?" article above to the end.
100402 (Free Press) Incoming Baylor University President (Kenneth Starr) to honor Intelligent Design professor .How rumors get started.
100408 (DI) William Dembski, Robert Marks, and the Evolutionary Informatics Lab Take on Dawkins’ “WEASEL” Simulation in New Peer-Reviewed Paper .
100415 (Waco Trib. | Print. | Print pdf, News.pdf) . Baylor faculty member named one of '20 Most Brilliant Christian Professors'.This is a followup in the Waco Tribune of the 100310 article above.
100415 (UD) College Crunch honors Robert Marks for Work on ID More follow-up.
100415 (WBIR KNOXVILLE) Baylor faculty member named one of '20 Most Brilliant Christian Professors' .
100415 (Fox 44) Baylor professor receives recognition .
100417 (Jewish BLOG) The Book of Doctrines and Opinions: notes on Jewish theology and spirituality. .
101228 (DI | cache) Casey Luskin, "William Dembski and Robert Marks Publish (Another) Peer-Reviewed Scientific Paper Supporting No Free Lunch Theorems."
090207 (BLOG) New podcasts and video in intelligent design controversy .
090210 (BLOG) I’m not close-minded about evolution .
090509 (UD) ScienceBlogs praises disses Dembski-Marks paper on Conservation of Information .
090801 (ASA | Slides ) The American Scientific Affiliation. The Annual 2009 Meeting at Baylor allows William Dembski and me to present the same material that was on my removed web site. The slides were made available on the web.
090817 (Discovery | pdf) New Peer-Reviewed Scientific Article. William Dembski and Robert Marks publish a peer reviewed paper (HERE) that gets a lot of attention from the Bloggers.i
090818 (UD | pdf) New Peer-Reviewed Pro-ID. This is William Dembski's announcement on Uncommon Descent.
090823 (UD | pdf) Evolutionary Informatics as Intelligent Design and not as Theistic Evolution . William Dembski responds to some of the commentary of the Dembski-Marks paper.
080503 (UD | Attachment ) Baylor Prez Spins Expelled Worries: The God of the Bible is the God of the genome … but not of the Evolutionary Informatics Lab.
080505 (BLOG) Baylor And Gomorrah . [ A response to the previous BLOG]
071003 (Discovery) Banned Item of the Year: Dr. Robert Marks’ Evolutionary Informatics Website
071003 (World Net Daily) Darwin challenged, research censored. Christian university removes professor's website, data from public view .
071003 (KSLR) Baylor University, to their shame, has censored the web pages of a professor who discussed "Intelligent Design" as the explanation for our origin instead of Darwinian evolution. Attorney John Gilmore joins me.
071004 (BLOG) Turns out there were other similar episodes by Baylor University.
071004 (BLOG) Free speech? Not for you because you're wrong .
071004 (BLOG) Darwin challenged, research censored.
071004 (BLOG) Speaking of "Expelled," a Scientist is Censored .
071005 (CBN) Christian University Sides with Evolutionists.
071116 (Baylor Lariat | Newspaper Layout) BU had role in Dembski return .. [Note: Stealth = keeping away from the career destroyers and media. The matter was open at Baylor.]
071116 (UD) Baylor Lariat asks for vote on intelligent design .
071116 (Discovery) New Report Exposes Sham of Academic Freedom at Baylor University .
IEEE Fellow, IEEE Power Engineering Society: IEEE Power Engineering Review, v.14, #2, 1994, Cover
IEEE Fellow, IEEE Power Engineering Society: IEEE Power Engineering Review, v.16, #4, 1994, pp.10-13 "IEEE Fellows," Proceedings of the IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, (1994)
RNNS/IEEE Symposium on Neuroinformatics and Neurocomputing (CFP) CoNNections: The Newsletter of the IEEE Neural Networks Council, October 1991 p.6 (International Chair).
J.C. Bezdek, "Conference Report: FUZZ-IEEE '92," CoNNections: The Newsletter of the IEEE Neural Networks Council, May 1992, vol. 2, No. 2, p.5.
The RNNS/IEEE Symposium on Neuroinformatics and Neurocomputing, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (CFP), CoNNections: The Newsletter of the IEEE Neural Networks Council, September 1992, vol. 2, No. 3, p.14.
Y.X. Zhong, "Greetings from the Program Committee," Proceedings of the 1992 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Beijing, China, November 3-6, 1992, p.2.
The First New Zealand International Two-Stream Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and Expert Systems, November 24-26, 1993, Dunedin, New Zealand (Program Committee) .
1994 International Symposium on Speech, Image Processing & Neural Networks, (ISSIPNN'94) Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Center April 14-16, 1994 (International Advisory Committee).
International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP) 1994, Seoul, Korea (International Advisory Committee)
1998 World Congress on Computational Intelligence CFP (Tutorials Chair).
1998 NEUROMEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC., Plaintiff, vs NEOPATH, INC., Defendant. (Decision)
"It's Toon Time", The IEEE Institute, vol. 23, No 1, January 1999, p.14
TV Times, March 7-13, 1999 (Seattle Times). Graduate courses taught by Robert Marks, such as Multidimensional Signal Processing, were broadcaste on cable TV. HERE is an example from March 1999.
071116 (Baylor Lariat | Newspaper Layout) BU had role in Dembski return .. [Note: Stealth = keeping away from the career destroyers and media. The matter was open at Baylor.]
080428 (KCBI FM ) Jerry Johnson Live: Movie “Expelled” Highlights Lack of Academic Freedom at Certain Universities-No Discussion of Intelligent Design Allowed .
080429 (Waco Trib | pdf) Battling academic elites for the universe: Q&A with 'Expelled' producer Mark Mathis .
080429 (Waco Trib | pdf ) Film puts Baylor dust-up over intelligent design in the cinematic limelight .
080502 (Lariat | pdf) Editorial: For BU, year of ups and downs .
080718 Amazon.com takes preorders for the release of Expelled.
100112 (ARN | pdf) 2009 Top Ten Darwin and Design Science News Stories Dembski and Marks were ranked #1.
100112 (CollegeCrunch.com | pdf) March 2010: The 20 Most Brilliant Christian Professors. Marks is on the list.
100415 (Waco Trib. | Print. | Print pdf | News.pdf) . Baylor faculty member named one of '20 Most Brilliant Christian Professors'.This is a followup in the Waco Tribune of the 100310 article above.